2.6.1 Give reasons for flying for maximum still air range and endurance
2.6.2 Given that certain flight conditions remain constant, explain the effect of changes in
head/tail wind component on level flight range and endurance
2.6.3 List/identify aerodynamic and engine considerations which are required to achieve
maximum still air range and endurance when operating an aircraft with the following
types of engine:
(a) normally aspirated engine
(b) turbocharged/supercharged engine
2.6.4 From (theoretical) power required and power available graphs identify the following
(a) best still air range speed
(b) best endurance speed
(c) maximum level flight speed .
Unit 1.3.2 CADA: CPL Aerodynamics [Aeroplane]
Changes in angle of attack
2.1.1 Explain the effect of changes in angle of attack up to the stalling angle on the following:
(a) pressure changes above and below an aerofoil;
(b) changes in airflow characteristics streamlined to turbulent
(c) lift and drag
(d) the boundary layer
2.1.2 With reference to CL, CD, CL/CD graphs identify angles of attack associated with the
(a) minimum drag – max level flight speed
(b) max lift – stalling angle
(c) best CL/CD – best glide range and still air range.
Aerodynamic design features
2.2.1 Explain the purpose of the following design features/controls
(a) anhedral dihedral aspect ratio sweepback wash-out
(b) wing spoilers, flaps, and vortex generators
(c) trim tabs.
Lift and drag
2.3.1 With reference to CL, CD, CL/CD graphs explain the angles of attack associated with
the following:
(a) minimum drag – max level flight speed
(b) max lift – stalling angle
(c) best CL/CD – best glide range and still air range
2.3.2 State the effect on total drag resulting from changes in IAS, aircraft weight and height.
2.4.1 Explain the relationship between speed, bank angle, radius and rate of turn during a
balanced level turn
2.4.2 For a given IAS determine the approximate angle of bank to achieve a rate one turn
(360 degrees in 2 minutes)